Recipient of Our 2 Millionth Surgery Witnesses a Generational Transformation
Rajib’s life will not be like his father’s
In early 2024, in a makeshift house in a remote river village in South Sumatra, Indonesia, a father and son with a cleft made history together.
Alim had to drop out of school in Second Year due to unrelenting bullying. With no education, an untreated cleft, and no access to healthcare, he had no chance of finding gainful employment. Now 50, he has spent most of his life as a lone fisherman, netting whatever he can out of the muddy waters in the hopes that it will be enough to keep his large family fed for one more day.
When his son Rajib was also born with a cleft, he despaired, knowing what lay in store for him. Sure enough, as soon as Rajib started school, the bullies poured their venom into him. It pained Alim to see his son suffering as he had, even if, at 10 years old, the boy insisted on not dropping out.

Then, one fateful February day, something unexpected floated down the river donning a camouflage uniform.
It was a man from the Army, with news the family had spent the past half-century praying for: Alim and Rajib could both get free cleft surgery at their nearest army hospital — and one of them would receive Smile Train’s two millionth cleft surgery.
The whole world was going to hear their story and marvel at their new smiles.
“Rajib should be two million”, Alim insisted. “I will be the two-million-and-first”.
A few days, a long boat ride, and a long bus ride later, everything changed. For the whole family.

When we caught up with the family again in August, Alim still hardly recognised himself or the promise and possibility his life now holds.
If this father and son's total transformation leaves you speechless, keep in mind that Smile Train transforms another life just like theirs with cleft surgery every five minutes thanks to generous donors like you.
Yet, another baby with a cleft is born every three minutes. That’s millions of people from every corner of the world you can give the life-changing gift of hope, health, and opportunity right now.